

Today is the day my mother turns 46. No one ever believes that she is because of her 

young heart and lack of wrinkles in her face. But those aren't the only reasons that make 

her young. It is the people in her life who love her. We are the ones who help keep her 

strong and willful and remind her to be awesome.

So I want to wish my mom a very happy birthday and I hope you reading this too! I love 

you mom! ♥♥

Last night at work Mabel asked me what do I want for my birthday present?
None of any materialistic present could be better and more precious than the above quote Mabel wrote on her Facebook! She really has helped me to phrase what I would like to say to the people who love me and help keep me strong and willful! Thank you my daughters, my cousins, my friends for being the rare and amazing people in my life!

Every year on this day, I will miss my parents the most. I miss my biological parents whom brought me to this world but never gave me the chance to get to know them. I miss my adoptive parents who brought me up with lots of love and cares. I miss all the birthday parties my mother planned and held for me when I was a little girl. I miss all the delicious food she prepared and cooked for the parties, and I miss guests who came and enjoyed themselves with joy and satisfactory.

Wishing myself:  Happy Birthday and stay strong for at least another 35 years so that my kids don't have to worry and take too much care of me when I am getting older. The best present I can give my girls is trying to stay healthy, happy and young ^-^ right?

Wishing you all have a great day too! As long as you are happy and appreciate what you have in life and be grateful, everyday can be/is your birthday!




或许我该说是因为那精装的红到刺眼的, 和那突破传统的,配合着柔柔的浅白蓝色的两盒月饼 (要谢谢我的妯娌Marie和她老公的礼物)。。。







每颗心上某一个地方  总有个记忆挥不散   
每个深夜某一个地方   总有着最深的思量
世间万千的变幻  爱把有情的人分两端  
心若知道灵犀的方向  那怕不能够朝夕相伴
城里的月光把梦照亮  请温暖他心房  
看透了人间聚散  能不能多点快乐片段
城里的月光把梦照亮  请守护它身旁  
若有一天能重逢  让幸福撒满整个夜晚


A Great September day

What a beautiful morning to start a school day at 8 a.m. Passed by Liseberg and saw the sun opened up the sky to shine on The Liseberg Wheels.
After school I had this thought. Instead of going home, I took a bus to Fiskebäck. A place I cannot afford to stay nearby but I can enjoy the view and the quietness. It was cloudy at the wharf but the temperature was around 17c, not that bad.
I was enjoying the pasta salad with prawns with this great view..what more could I ask for?
One of the luxury yacht at the wharf. The owner put an adorable owl sitting on the top of it. I had that moment at the first sign..thought it was real!
One of the homework - reading Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eyes. I couldn't stop myself to open pages after pages later after reading the first paragraph.

There was this moment I stopped and took a deep breathe in order to feel the words in the book. I looked up and saw this again. The sky slightly opened up the clouds and shone on the sea. Like the words in the book opened up my heart.

Just when everyone thought that summer was over because it was raining heavily last week, the weather forecast cheered everyone up since Monday. Let's hope that summer's last grep to hold onto the sun is strong enough to get us through this week and perhaps stay for another week or two.