
Lady in Red

In normal circumstances, refer to today's title, I might write about myself because I love to wear red dresses and I know I look nice in red. Not any red though. I guess I have to thanks mom who always bought red dresses and skirts for me when I was a little girl. She didn't like people wearing black to our house, especially during Chinese New Year. 

I normally have to wear black in the weekends at work (Who has set this rules that one has to wear black while working at restaurant?) So other days in the weekday, I will try not to wear black anymore. Obs! Did't I just say I am not writing about myself, sorry :)!

My first baby chili has fully grown and finally wearing the red dress! One of the red color I like! I can't believe it was 5 months ago when I planted these chilies. I did that for fun actually and never thought that all the seeds I planted would survive and grow up healthfully.  I have lost counting how many chili they are now. By the time they all turn into red, I will definitely show their beauty here again. 

Right now I am just happy for the first baby's transform. 

5 months ago...
5 months later.

