I must admit that after staying a quarter century in Sweden, my Swedish
is still like
what the Chinese says, "ban tong shui 半桶水", meaning "Half a bucket
of water.". Still
don't get it? :) It means not good enough
It's amazing though some Swedish friends find it charming when I hilariously pronounce a word or a phrase without even notice that I have said something which is hilarious, wrong or inappropriate. They will laugh it out loud even though I was not making a joke or I really express the pharse seriously. I know they don’t mean to be rude but they can’t help not to have fun with it.
Well, What can I say? I started learning Swedish when I was 21 years old.. (Linguistics experts say it is easier to master a second language if one starts learning it before puberty. Of course if I have been very hard working and ambition enough, I could have mastered the language long time ago, but since I could use “puberty” as an excuse, I can actually tell the Swedes why I cannot really master their language because I came to Sweden after my puberty, just that simple. ^_^
On the other hand, I have to say that Chinese is far easier than Swedish! I am not the one who makes this assumption. It is professor Lars-Gunnar Andersson, who is the expert in Linguistic typology at the Gothenburg University confirmed this at his lecture.
So, Swedish is harder to be learned and the pronunciation is beyond my Chinese accents level to handle it beautifully.
I am going to save the best stories about of my hilarious pronuntion today. I am not going to talk about the grammar either. First, I would like to share with you one of the most fun mistakes people always make (even the Swedes) when writing the language. Swedes likes to join their words together. If you don’t join them together, it will mean differently.
At restaurant
1. Smoking is totally forbidden inside a restaurant/café in Sweden, but what would you do when you see this sign “Rök fritt” inside a restaurant while “Rök fritt” means "free to smoke"? and the correct one is of course “rökfritt” (non-smoking)
2. Dagensrätt “kyckling lever med kul potatis”
(Today’s menu: Chicken is alive with fun potatoes, do you want to order one? :)
Correct one: "kycklinglever med kulpotatis" = Chicken lever with potatoes (potatoes are served in its original form)
Description on a contact advertisment.
Jag är en mörk hårig sjuk sköterska. = I am a dark hairy sick nurse.
It's amazing though some Swedish friends find it charming when I hilariously pronounce a word or a phrase without even notice that I have said something which is hilarious, wrong or inappropriate. They will laugh it out loud even though I was not making a joke or I really express the pharse seriously. I know they don’t mean to be rude but they can’t help not to have fun with it.
Well, What can I say? I started learning Swedish when I was 21 years old.. (Linguistics experts say it is easier to master a second language if one starts learning it before puberty. Of course if I have been very hard working and ambition enough, I could have mastered the language long time ago, but since I could use “puberty” as an excuse, I can actually tell the Swedes why I cannot really master their language because I came to Sweden after my puberty, just that simple. ^_^
On the other hand, I have to say that Chinese is far easier than Swedish! I am not the one who makes this assumption. It is professor Lars-Gunnar Andersson, who is the expert in Linguistic typology at the Gothenburg University confirmed this at his lecture.
So, Swedish is harder to be learned and the pronunciation is beyond my Chinese accents level to handle it beautifully.
I am going to save the best stories about of my hilarious pronuntion today. I am not going to talk about the grammar either. First, I would like to share with you one of the most fun mistakes people always make (even the Swedes) when writing the language. Swedes likes to join their words together. If you don’t join them together, it will mean differently.
At restaurant
1. Smoking is totally forbidden inside a restaurant/café in Sweden, but what would you do when you see this sign “Rök fritt” inside a restaurant while “Rök fritt” means "free to smoke"? and the correct one is of course “rökfritt” (non-smoking)
2. Dagensrätt “kyckling lever med kul potatis”
(Today’s menu: Chicken is alive with fun potatoes, do you want to order one? :)
Correct one: "kycklinglever med kulpotatis" = Chicken lever with potatoes (potatoes are served in its original form)
Description on a contact advertisment.
Jag är en mörk hårig sjuk sköterska. = I am a dark hairy sick nurse.
correct one should be : ”Jag är en mörkhårig sjuksköterska” = I am a
dark-haired nurse.
One of the most common used words, " jätte"
Jätte means "giant" but it also means "very much" as an adverb to describe a situation or thing etc.
Ex 1) jätte roligt = Giant fun, or "jätteroligt" = really fun!
Ex 2) jag är jättesur på dig! = I am really piss at you! , so if you write " Jag är jätte sur på dig!" what do you think it means?
That's all for now.
Have a Fun Day! Hugs