
Superwoman Me

I never knew I could look that super good in Superman's super outfit until Lisa sent me this via WeChat.

Lisa wrote," 刚刚小瓜拿出这张卡问我这卡通像清萍姨姨吗?哈!你那么可爱噢!
(Just now little melon took out this card and asked me does this cartoon look like qingping yiyi? Oh! You are so cute!)

This is how I look like in a 7 years old girl's eyes. Not bad at all! I can tell you my face looked even more cuter and cheerful when I received it...:) :) Of course I am flattered and happy, happy and happy that a little girl can see her 45 years old aunt as a cheerful person instead of a crappy old witch that looks ferocious , right?

For fun and curiosity I checked out how would other real superwoman look like in a comic or Hollywood world?
This one is too perfect to be me.
Although I don't mind to have that perfect figure and Diana Rose's hair style.

Hmm...this one.. well... I dare not compare myself with Megan Fox.
If I could, I would have challenged her place on the list of "100 sexiest woman in the world".
I might beat her, you never know, right? 

I might consider this one though..  I mean the hair style.
No way I would jeopardize my feminine curve into that muscular look.
Who said a superwoman has to look like a superman?
I still LOVE Chlòe's version of me!  
The correct size and pattern of my glasses, 
the big Jackie Chan's nose, 
the OK melon haircut
 the round face 
.............and the sparkling eyes (although you cannot see the sparkling when they are hiding behind the glasses).

Thank you Chlòe!  :)

