It all started when I volunteered myself to work for the Red Cross's Friendship Service last year. Why did I do that?
Witnessing my mother's death three years ago has influenced my point of view about life. To watch the life energy gradually ran out and the life light gradually turned off, and then towards the end it was only the electronic waves that stayed on a straight line, and the piping sound from the respirator that confirmed the end of my mom's journey. The whole experience has affected my perception of life and death.
Today I am an orphan. I no longer get another chance to learn much more about life from my parents, but their wise wisdom stay in my heart for ever.
There are many lonely and old people who need someone to listen to their life experiences. To me, older people is like a living history book that I have much to learn from. So, I signed up for the Red Cross course and became their volunteer.
I am lucky I got to meet a 96 year old lady who has so much to tell about herself, and she has promised to share with me her wisdom. In return, I'll start blogging in Swedish. So, finally I have the guts to start writing a blog in Swedish. I will try to translate it into English and paste them here whenever I have time to do it. Otherwise you can read it at too. I guess the Google translate tools or other similar translate tool can help up with the translation :). The blog is about her wisdom which you and I can have the benefit of , and who know may be we are able to use them throughout our lives, and if we're lucky, maybe until we are 96 years old!
Life is good!
Witnessing my mother's death three years ago has influenced my point of view about life. To watch the life energy gradually ran out and the life light gradually turned off, and then towards the end it was only the electronic waves that stayed on a straight line, and the piping sound from the respirator that confirmed the end of my mom's journey. The whole experience has affected my perception of life and death.
Today I am an orphan. I no longer get another chance to learn much more about life from my parents, but their wise wisdom stay in my heart for ever.
There are many lonely and old people who need someone to listen to their life experiences. To me, older people is like a living history book that I have much to learn from. So, I signed up for the Red Cross course and became their volunteer.
I am lucky I got to meet a 96 year old lady who has so much to tell about herself, and she has promised to share with me her wisdom. In return, I'll start blogging in Swedish. So, finally I have the guts to start writing a blog in Swedish. I will try to translate it into English and paste them here whenever I have time to do it. Otherwise you can read it at too. I guess the Google translate tools or other similar translate tool can help up with the translation :). The blog is about her wisdom which you and I can have the benefit of , and who know may be we are able to use them throughout our lives, and if we're lucky, maybe until we are 96 years old!
Life is good!