
Belated Christmas Greeting from Malaysia

This beautiful Christmas Greeting warmed my heart and cheered up my day when it slipped through the door this morning. It's from my cute niece Chlóe! Such a well-made pop-up card with Chlóe's beautiful handwriting. Thanks Chlóe! Qing Ping Yi Yi loves it very much and definitely will put it up as one of my favourite decorations on every Christmas season that comes. Love you too! Chlóe. Many hugs to you and your Ah Ma and your mommy.

Oh I forgot to mention thanks for the mini size of Malaysian calender too! :)How thoughtful of you, Lisa and Ah Kim. My mum always saved one for me at the old time just in case I went home for Chinese New Year celebration.

It's on the door of my refrigeration already :)

