
25/7/2012 - 26/7/2012

Day 4       Wednesday
Cita came early in the morning and she cleaned up all the bathrooms - spotless, how nice!
While looking at the house spotless and as clean as always like the old time, I thought of mum would be  very pleased to see this! Unfortunately we killed a few spiders, sorry....

The husband to the aunty from Taiwan who stayed at the back of our house got lung cancer and was admitted to the ICU in the hospital. She was upset and indecisive, just like me for 14 months ago, I totally understand her feelings and and I hope that uncle will recover soon...

AnQi came for a visit in the evening. She bought fried mee for me. She is also moving soon.

At night the couple who wants to buy my house came. The moment of facing the reality. I really hope that mum would understand why I want to sell the house. I cannot rely on my cousin brothers and sisters to take care of the house for me all the time. Everyone has their own life to busy with, how could they always help me then?

I am really angry why a house that facing a road is hard to be sold out? It's scary how the belief of custom and Feng Shui is baffling people's mind!

Day 5 Thursday

Overnight at Sunny's house. Chlóe has grown up much, a bit more mature, so cute!

