I really can't believe someone actually wants to make a short film about my story. This excites me and gives a little bit of pleasure to this year's fall.
Sadly I am not able to share this happiness with my mother. I know if today she is still around at the other side of the earth, she would certainly more excited than me, and she couldn't wait for telling this to friends and relatives. What I can do is looking at her photograph and telling her this belated joy.
我知道短片的名字有点夸张,但那是直接丛瑞典文(Karaoke drottningen) 翻译过来的,我暂时还没想到更谦虚的翻译:)。
I know the name of this short film is a bit exaggerated, but it's translated directly from the Swedish words (The Karaoke Queen). For the time being I haven't figure it out a much more humble Chinese translation yet :).
Oh, Sorry I have been talking for a while now and still haven't come to the point why this someone has the interest to make a short film about my story. Due to the limited of time.. (I have to go to bed now, otherwise I might not wake up in time tomorrow morning, and then I can't find a good excuse to tell the Swedish professor for being late to the class), I have to stop here. To be continued...
Hugs hugs!