
Winter is here to stay

We have been so lucky with the weather last year 2014 with really fantastic warm summer temperature and a "lagom" (moderate) warm autumn and early winter.

Now February which is normally the coldest month, is still pretty warm (around 0 to 4c) but I miss snow though. Winter without snow is like summer without sun, you know what I mean right?

Winter without snow is boring. I don't want to dress up as an Eskimo for nothing. That was why when I woke up last week on Friday, immediately my body was charged with some positive energy when I looked outside the window.
I was dancing like a little girl when I walked out from my apartment. I didn't have time to take photos at the entrance but I took a few quick shots while hubby was driving me to work. I really wished I could have the chance to visit a forest or a country side that day. I was that close to call my boss I want to take a day off, even though that day was my last working day. I should be feeling sad but the snow came into the rescue of my sad day.

I managed to store some great shots in my mobile picture gallery anyway. These are some of the photos that gave me joy that Friday.

A quick snap when I  looked outside from my bedroom that morning
A quick snap from the car, on my way to work. Moring sun at 9.45 a.m.

after three minutes.... at 9.48a.m.
Love love love this one! When I reached home at 3p.m. outside my apartment. Perfect lighting for catching this moment.


我 Ok, 你 OK 吗?


今夜在恍惚的心情下,读到这段文章,让我感触不胜。在此和你们一起互相勉励。 加油!

和自己说:“不管怎样,你 OK 的。你比你自己想象中更有爱。你 OK 的。即使你不 OK,在我心里,你都是 OK的。”
就和自己说说话。 你带着慈悲的心和自己说说话,那个过去的自己很愿意听的。
别被过去的烂账而牵绊着你那值得拥有美好的生命。我们都可以从烂账里解脱的,只要你多愿意和那个过去受伤的自己说说话。 也愿意去听过去的自己说说话。你发现这世上最美好的事情之一就是:和自己相爱。
Peace within, Peace between, Peace among.